Taking Notice

The Socioholic
2 min readApr 14, 2024


A Shout Out to my Followers and Subscribers… This One’s For You!

Photo by Yana Nikulina on Unsplash

I am taking some time to acknowledge the people who have opened the door to my blog, and support my efforts to inform and reach others about issues that matter in our society.

Scrolling Through the Nonsense

So, I was checking my emails yesterday and as I mindlessly pushed past email after email consisting of the usual advertising and copywriting.

Just as I was about to give up on finding anything worth opening I saw a notification from Medium.

This particular notification was an update about new followers and subscribers to my posts.

I immediately smiled from ear to ear. I am so thankful that I have been able to engage with others who find the content I have posted to be interesting and worthy of their time.

I take nothing for granted when it comes to writing with the intent to attract readers to indulge in the storytelling being offered.

I have never been motivated by gaining any sort of notoriety from blogging.

My intent has always been to uncover the human angle when covering any story that catches my attention, and having people who share this affinity for meaningful storytelling is enthralling for me to encounter.

Making It Interesting

What I truly appreciate about our interactions is reading the comments that readers leave with a highlighted section from the stories I have published.


Because this is how ideas are shared and notes are compared. I love reading your comments and creating a connection as a result with discourse about the issues and news coverage that are typically catalysts for heated debates and names calling.

But the readers who have joined in on the conversations have been so easy to chat with, always willing to keep an open mind and keep things respectful.

I just wanted to thank you for your continued support. Sincerely and I will keep doing my best to share content that keeps you interested and willing to keep reading.


I recently changed the name on my profile. I hope it doesn’t throw you off too much… I felt the need for an update, something to capture the content in my niche a bit better, and what better way than to combine the Sociological aspect with the addiction I have for engaging with socially conscious initiatives? Right? Please let me know what you think and leave a comment to weigh in.



The Socioholic

Nicole is lifelong student with a love for the written word. She authors content with substance & value on topics from self-reflection to social activism.